Business Postcast Las Vegas
Join our Las Vegas Business Podcast. Moguls, local business owners, guests, fans and good ole fashion stalkers welcome!

MAD MOGULS, EPISODE 4.0: “Viva Las Vegas! Local 808 Events – Mad Mogul Mobile Bars of Vegas”
Mad Moguls Podcast Featured Image, episode 4.0 with Local 808 Events #drink #local #vegas
Let Out Your Mad Side
Welcome to the Mad Moguls PodCast
Let The Madness Begin!
Mad Moguls is a fantastical podcast hosted by Justin Young, Founder & CEO of 702 Pros. In each episode, Justin shows you how to start or expand your business ideas. And each week we feature a MAD mogul guest speaking about their industry, how they got started, the challenges, common pitfalls, successes, and even some good old fashioned shenanigans! So sit back, relax and get ready to have your head exploded with knowledge!

We’re Maddd!
To be in business, let’s be honest ~ you gotta be a little mad, have a few screws loose or at the very least have a morbid detachment from the closest fabric of sanity. Welll.. Maybe those all mean completely crazy, but most business owners are just that MADDD, and for good reason, BUSINESS IS HARD, and anyone who tells you otherwise is frankly — full of fashizal or had mommy and daddy give them a whole lot of money to start their business, Sorry, Jeff Bezos. I wish my parents could give me a $300,000 loan, I would be worth a few billion by now. Although, we can’t be too hard on lil Jeff, not many people can turn a $300,000 loan into over $164.9 billion — look at the majority of lottery winners, most broke. Hmm.

Get Inspired
Instagram is fulllll of BS inspirational memes and quotes Make your dreams come true — Barf (someone pleaaseee come out with something original! If I have to read another one of those I will literal shit my bigboy pants, on this channel I wont have it. Absolutely NO inspirational quotes, just real talk with real business owners. O, sorry, not inspirational enough for you? Want some more unicorns and other beautiful mythical creatures roaming around in this story. Possibly, some Bigfoot (I know you love him! I do too, he’s soo cute!), o maybe a dragon — we could ride around its back like the Dragon Queen (o you don’t like Game of Thrones — leave my website NOW.. okkkk, the last season sucked — I’ll give you that, nut the books will blow your mind, GRRM is my JAM!.. damn went off on another crazy Howard Hughes rant about blue prints or something.) Back on track now — INSPIRATION This podcast is full of the stuff and we know it.

I Feel So Fantastical!
I truly do — feel fantastical, that is. I’m doing what I love, which is creating cool and exciting things. Don’t you just love that word? Fantastical.. it just rolls off the tongue, Thanks, Lady Goga, but personally I enjoy this kid’s version better (I know, I know this kid is now an adult singer, but he’s not as good as he used to be and I dont appreciate his new work like I should, sorry something Greyson). Business Fantastical. STUFF. STUFF. STUFF.

I know I am — SO Amazing… Listening to this song makes me happy, Blueprints — Damn you Howard!! and so is our new podcast, enjoy and listen or watch on youtube.